Victory In Christ Christian Center: Westville, NJ > Get to Know Victory

The following information may help to answer some of your initial questions about the academy.

  • Type of School

    We are a Christian/private school.  K5-8th Grade.  We use School of Tomorrow - Accelerated Christian Education.  School (Click for more info about A.C.E.)  

  • Tuition/REgistration

    2025/2026 School Year - Enrollment/Reenrollment fee: $300.   1st child - $4,600.00 per year.  2nd child - $4,100.00 per year.  Tuition can be paid in 10 months.   Handbooks, tuition sheets, registration forms are available in the office and can be attained via this website.

  • Hours of Operation

    Monday through Thursday. 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.  No school on Friday.  Friday's work is sent home over the weekend.  Or, students do extra work Monday -Thursday and avoid Friday's homework.  

  • Accreditation

    If parents are concerned about accreditation at this level of schooling, we can dually enroll your child under the umbrella of Lighthouse Christian Academy, which is a fully accredited school.  This is an additional fee. 

  • Classroom Structure

    Students do their work in individual cubicles.  The instructor is built into our curriculum and the teacher acts as a tutor.  Each child gets one-on-one attention and assistance.  The teacher does not lecture before the class, except for Bible classes and teaching phonics in K5.  Instructors monitor all the work to make sure it is done correctly.  This allows children to progress academically at their own pace.  Our teacher-to-student ratio is 1:6.  Also, students take activity/snack/lunch breaks throughout the day.

  • Play

    Our students take several breaks throughout the day.  They can enjoy outdoor activities like basketball, 4-square, playground, etc.  And we go on field trips from time to time.

  • Meals

    Students are to eat breakfast at home and to provide their own lunches.  Many choose to bring microwavable food.  We do have Pizza Tuesdays.  Students can buy slices of pizza from Dominos.  And we do provide snacks that can be purchased.

  • Uniforms

    Students are required to wear uniforms.

  • Location

    circlemap Whistleville Christian Church, 83 Patrick Mill Rd. SW, Winder, GA 30680. Visit us at Church

  • Transporting

    Parents are responsible for securing transportation to and from school.  Carpooling options exist at times.  

  • First steps

    Contact School Office. 770-867-5746.  Ask for Jessica or Hannah.  Acquire and understand handbook.  (Handbook and forms are available on this site.) Schedule an appointment to visit our school.  We are unique in our approach.  We encourage people to see it so as to grasp it.  

    K5 student inquiries will have to be tested.  Acceptance of child is granted if there is a passing grade.  The test involves maturity elements, such as, following instructions. 

    All other students are tested to determine their grade level and the sequence of material they need.