Barrow County Christian Academy

This school exist to help Christian families find alternatives to government education.  We teach basic and advanced academia subjects from a Biblical worldview.  Evolution is not taught as fact here; creation is. We are created in the image of God.  We do not denounce our founding fathers.  We recognize they were imperfect and culturists of their era, but they were men of vision, providing the foundation that built a nation like no other.  There is no critical race theory taught here as well.  Love for God and love for neighbor are the truths that will truly join mankind's lives and endeavors.  We are a ministry of Whistleville Christian Church.   (Click icon) 

Primary Objective

Attending Barrow County Christian Academy is a privilege.  Our primary objective is to serve families that want Christ to be the center of their lives.  We are an extension of the church Monday through Thursday.  We are not a reform school.  If a child has been in serious trouble at other schools, or has defiance, drug, alcohol, violent behavior issues, we encourage you to seek other alternatives.  Special needs are evaluated case by case.  However, we are not trained to handle severe cases.  Students also have to be able to speak English.  A child in our system has to be self-motivated, eager to learn, willing to obey and follow school guidelines.